Motherhood Chat Unfiltered: Cinthia Scott

Welcome to this weeks Motherhood Chat Unfiltered with Cinthia! We're so happy you're here and we hope you find encouragement in your journey through motherhood by hearing from other moms on this road. May this be your reminder that you are not alone no matter the season. Lets dive in!

What led you to become a lactation counselor?

I, unfortunately, had a less than optimal delivery and due to “staffing issues” I was not allowed to have skin-to-skin after my delivery. My son was immediately taken to the nursery for a few hours before I was allowed to see him. During this time he was provided formula due to low blood sugars since he wasn’t able to nurse. After dealing with low blood sugars and supplementing for a few days post birth I was finally able to exclusively breastfeed. Due to my lack of support, I vowed to be an advocate and educator for other moms so they wouldn’t have to go through the same experience I did. This has led me to become a CLC and I am currently studying to take my IBCLC exam as well so that I can further my knowledge of breastfeeding and help more mothers. 


Tell us about your own breastfeeding journey?

 Once we no longer had to supplement due to low blood sugars, our breastfeeding journey was pretty wonderful! We did have the occasional issues with a bite here or there when teething and maintaining milk supply when I returned back to work at 3 months postpartum but other than that, breastfeeding has been my absolute favorite part of becoming a mom. We have just recently weaned at 2.5 years old and I am still sad about it! The bond that I have created with my son through nursing will last us forever and has helped me become the mom that I am today. 


What advice would you give to a mom beginning her breastfeeding journey?

 Educate yourself with a breastfeeding class or meeting with a lactation consultant prior to birth so that you know what to expect and what is normal in those first few hours after birth and the first few weeks postpartum. Have a support system that knows your desires for breastfeeding that you can trust to advocate for you and encourage you if issues arise. Always seek support from a credible healthcare provider if you are concerned with anything related to breastfeeding. 


What is one of the most common struggles you see moms go through in their breastfeeding journey?

Misperception of low milk supply and inaccurate advice on how to properly latch are the most common struggles that I see with my clients. I talk about these topics frequently on my social media platforms to help educate moms so they are aware of what true low milk supply is and how to properly latch your breastfed baby. 


Are you familiar with breast massage? Have you found it to be a helpful tool?

 I am highly familiar and experienced with breast massage and I recommend it to all my clients and friends. Breast massage has been shown to greatly increase the amount of milk removed when nursing as well as with pumping. In my “Breastfeeding: Returning to Work Program,” breast massage is one of the main tricks I teach mothers how to utilize to maintain milk supply when returning to work. Breast massage can also help with removing clogged ducts and reducing engorgement/swelling in the early days to allow infants to latch more efficiently. (Learn More)


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