Motherhood Chat's Unfiltered: Lauren Brenton- a Midwife

Lauren Brenton - Midwife - MammaEase

Hello and welcome to another Motherhood Chat Unfiltered! We're so excited to bring you a new perspective on the motherhood journey from Lauren, Midwife and Childbirth Educator. Her positivity surrounding the birthing experience is inspiring!

Grab a coffee and settle in for our quick chat with Lauren below!


Why did you pursue Midwifery?

For as long as I can remember I have always loved helping other people and have always had a fascination with birth, which grew from trying to breed every animal that my parents would let me get as a pet. Once I knew all about the midwifery profession where I could not only support women, but also get to be a part of the most special moments in couples lives, I was completely sold!!

How long have you been practicing?

I have been a registered midwife for 4 years full time and most of that time I have spent in the birth unit.

What is the most important postpartum care advice you would offer?

The most important advice for postpartum would be to plan for it, learn all about the changes that occur in the postnatal period, prepare frozen meals so that you don’t have to cook when you’re exhausted, accept help from family and friends, and never feel guilty for saying no to cancelling plans or visits.

How do you help moms overcome their birthing fears?

I try to help mums overcome their birthing fears by letting them know that the birthing space is their space and I am just a visitor. I let them know that I am there supporting them with whatever they need the whole time and that I will keep them informed with everything that is going on. I find familiarising themselves with the birth team and birth space prior to delivery can also help alleviate some birthing fears.

What breastfeeding advice would you offer to new moms?

Get as much help in the first few days after birth as you can. Take the different advice that you are given and find what works for you and your baby. Every baby and every breastfeeding journey is different. Do not be scared or embarrassed to ask for help, and certainly do not feel pressured to do something you do not want to do. This is your body and your baby, and at the end of the day all that matters is a happy mum and a happy baby!!


You can find Lauren at @onemamamidwife on Instagram where she shares tons of inspiring information for new moms and moms to be.

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