Motherhood Unfiltered — natural birth RSS

Motherhood Chats Unfiltered: Bec Conant, Om Births Founder

Welcome to this week’s Motherhood Chats Unfiltered blog post! Today is International Day of Yoga, and to celebrate, we wanted to share an interview we had with Bec, Founder of Om Births. Om Births is an online prenatal and postnatal yoga studio and we love their mission of supporting happy, healthy, holistic pregnancies. Let’s dive in with Bec!

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A Birth Story: Victoria McGee

Hello and thank you for checking out this weeks Motherhood Unfiltered blog post! This week, we are super excited to be sharing a birth story. At MammaEase we believe each birth is unique and amazing. Our goal with this blog is to share other mamma's stories to inspire moms and let them know that they are not alone in their motherhood journey.   We asked Victoria: What things did you do to prepare for your labor/birth? One of the things I did to prepare was utilize Hypnobirthing research and resources to mentally prepare. I have always looked at child birth as this: "if an unlimited number of mothers can do this successfully, so can I." But I also knew that my...

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