How to Use the Lumama Lactation Massager
Lumama Lactation Massager is a breastfeeding device that supports moms in their journey to improve milk flow. It may also help with the pain associated with mastitis, engorgement, plugged ducts, and other breastfeeding issues. It is designed to help optimize your milk flow while pumping or nursing. The benefits our moms have reported included relief from plugged ducts, preventing mastitis, relieving engorgement, enhanced milk output, emptying more effectively and faster, and improved letdown.
Results vary based on individual users.
Regular use of Lumama can help prevent clogged ducts. It’s best to address clogs early on and be persistent in working out painful clogs. You may try using Lumama in the shower or bath as heat can help soften the milk and tissue allowing a better flow. You may also choose to use a warm compress. If your clog worsens or you develop mastitis, please contact your healthcare professional.

Please contact us immediately. Press and hold the power button for three seconds to turn it on and off. We want you to be satisfied with your lactation massager. We will do our best to provide you with the highest standard of customer service. Our goal is to make your life easier and less painful.
The lactation massager does not directly increase milk supply, however it can help contribute to increasing your supply. For most moms, milk is created on a supply and demand model, if your baby needs more milk your body will produce it. The massager can help you empty the breast more effectively, thereby triggering your body to think your baby needs more milk. If you are looking to increase your supply, you may need to increase your nursing or pumping routine as well. You may also want to try eating oatmeal, lactation cookies, and/or increasing your intake of water.

- You may use your massager a minimum of once per day to help maintain your flow, even when not coping with a breastfeeding issue.
- Heat can help to help get the milk flowing. Use Lumama in the shower or bath.
- Use one or two massagers in your nursing or pumping bra before or during pumping to help stimulate milk flow and letdown.
- While pumping, use the narrow tip to press into the ducts to help increase the flow and help empty the breast more efficiently.