Motherhood Chat Unfiltered: Jackie

Welcome to another Motherhood Chat Unfiltered! We're so thrilled to welcome Jackie to this space and share about her motherhood journey! We hope that getting a glimpse into her journey brings you encouragement and support!

Grab a coffee and settle in for our quick chat with Jackie below!


 What was one of your greatest challenges in motherhood?

Being a new mom comes with many challenges, but in today’s society it’s especially hard not to compare yourself to other mothers. With social media being the standard you have to remind yourself that your journey is YOURS!

What was one of your greatest joys?

The first time I held my sweet girl the world stood still! When she latched I immediately felt as if I was placed In the role I was always made for.

Tell us about your postpartum journey. What caught you by surprise? What was your greatest struggle and how did you work towards overcoming it?

Postpartum anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m a full time law enforcement officer and I’ve seen a lot of horrific things. Those things did and still do play over and over in my head and cause me to dream up awful situations. It’s so hard for me to relax. I’m likely to get up many times throughout the night just to make sure my baby is breathing. If you’re feeling PPA or PPD talk to someone. I didn’t think either one would happen to me, but I was so wrong.

Tell us about your breastfeeding journey. Something you learned, something you struggled through, something you loved?

I absolutely love nursing my little. Pumping is a different story. I felt so overwhelmed with new parts, machines, and accessories. I didn’t feel informed. The hospital consultants didn’t help me much. I felt pressured by so many to formula feed in the beginning days but thankfully I’m very outspoken and hard headed. If breastfeeding is what you want to do then stick to it and don’t let others pressure you.

Have you heard of the benefits of breast massage and did you give it a try in your breastfeeding journey?

I personally use lactation massagers every pump session!

You can find Jackie at @mama.on.duty on Instagram!

