Motherhood Unfiltered — Midwife RSS

Motherhood Chats Unfiltered: Alyssa Johns, LM, CPM

Happy Monday and welcome to this weeks Motherhood Chats Unfiltered. Today we are talking with Alyssa Johns, a Midwife. Alyssa's journey to becoming a midwife is inspiring and I love that she is so passionate about being an advocate for Moms. Here at Mammaease, empowering moms is so important to us and as I read her responses, I was thrilled at how aligned our thoughts were. Let's dive in with Alyssa!


Motherhood Chat's Unfiltered: Lauren Brenton- a Midwife

Hello and welcome to another Motherhood Chat Unfiltered! We're so excited to bring you a new perspective on the motherhood journey from Lauren, Midwife and Childbirth Educator. Her positivity surrounding the birthing experience is inspiring! Grab a coffee and settle in for our quick chat with Lauren below!   Why did you pursue Midwifery? For as long as I can remember I have always loved helping other people and have always had a fascination with birth, which grew from trying to breed every animal that my parents would let me get as a pet. Once I knew all about the midwifery profession where I could not only support women, but also get to be a part of the most special moments in couples...
